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Mobile MESS arrives at Abbotsford Convent this May! This is a chance for young people aged 8-12 years and their parent/guardian to explore and experience the magic of electronic sound creation in this fun hands-on workshop with MESS. On Sunday, May 14 2023 we will be running two workshops at the Convent, see below for more details and to choose which workshop suits you best. 

Mobile MESS at Convent Kids – Getting Started

10am-11am Sunday, May 14 2023

Suitable for: Young people aged 8-12 years and their parent/guardian new to creating electronic sounds. There is no musical experience necessary to take part in this workshop.

This workshop will investigate the scientific nature of sound and how we use electricity to create music. Through hands-on activities and interactive experiments using synthesisers, you can create wild sounds and make beats across various machines and devices. 

Book your spot

Mobile MESS at Convent Kids – Up and Running Workshop

12pm-1pm Sunday, May 14 2023

Suitable for: Young people aged 8-12 years and their parent/guardian who have some experience in creating electronic sound on an instrument or device. Young people who have just a little experience – noodling with a synth or making sounds on a keyboard – will have a great time in this session. If you’ve previously taken part in a Mobile MESS workshop at the Convent, this is a great next step!

This workshop will walk you through the primary method used in many synthesisers – subtractive synthesis. You will learn the essential characteristics and functions of the modules that turn a simple waveform into a complex waveform.

Book your spot

Mobile MESS at Convent Kids 2023 was made possible with the generous support of Yarra City Arts and Abbotsford Convent. 

Photographs by Kenny Waite.