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Applications are now open for the first-ever MESS Synth Sizzle – a buy/swap/sell market for all things electronic sound. All StoriesNews

Applications are now open for the first-ever MESS Synth Sizzle – a buy/swap/sell market for all things electronic sound.

Applications close 5pm May 11th Applications are now open for the first-ever MESS Synth Sizzle – a buy/swap/sell market for all things electronic sound. We are thrilled to announce the launch of our first-ever Synth Sizzle happening on Sunday, May…
May 6, 2023
VOLTAGE All StoriesNews


When May 20th - 21st Where Former Richmond Power Station Melbourne Electronic Sound Studio (MESS) takes over the car park underneath the former Richmond Power Station for a weekend of sounds, installations, workshops, concerts and a community synth market. Featuring…
April 27, 2023